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 Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?

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Comte de la Rose Noire
17 participants
Prince des chats et Seigneur de ces lieux...

Nombre de messages : 2061
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 31 Juil - 18:12

Quel type d'elfe êtes vous ?
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corbeau d'argent

Nombre de messages : 1291
Date d'inscription : 28/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 31 Juil - 19:01

High elf: You're what most people think of when they think "elf" but you're just not THAT simple. You're taller than most elves, but not by much, you are thin as a river reed you're known for your light skin, bright eyes, and flooring beauty. You are gifted in music and the arts and have real appreciation for beauty, even in everyday things.
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Nombre de messages : 24
Localisation : dans les tréfonds de mon âme
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 31 Juil - 19:31

Sea Elf: Unlike the myth, you are not elven mermaids/men. You do have the ability to stay under water for extremely long time periods, but you do not breath the water, nor have gills or fins (just some slight webbing). You always live near water, and often keep safe holds for your goods in hidden underwater caves. Some of your kind actually spend more time in the water than out, and thus how your kind developed the strange marine coloration of blues, greens and yellows.
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Nombre de messages : 529
Age : 47
Localisation : Hauts de Seine
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyLun 2 Aoû - 15:39

Appelez-moi Esteban ! Wink

Sun Elf :

Probably actually a cousin to the Moon elves, you have a lot in common in the base of your society and build. You, however, favor to travel the open plains and live a vagabond lifestyle, worshiping the sun. Unlike most elves who's skins do not tan, you carry from birth the mark of one who lives out under the sun, a light golden tan and often fair hair. Also, you tend to be tinkerors and inventors. Some consider you elven gypsies.
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?petite £lfe malicieuse?

Nombre de messages : 157
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyLun 9 Aoû - 21:24

Elf of the White Hills: Other races of elves think you could be related to dark elves, because of your similar coloring (you're skin is much lighter though, with darker hair and eyes); but you live in the white hills, not underground. Your attitude may be frigid, and all logic, but you're not evil. You give yourself to study, the pursuit of knowledge and the safety that comes with the power of information. You tend to be a little too opinionated and may lean towards bigotry.
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Pretty Hate Machine

Nombre de messages : 68
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyLun 9 Aoû - 21:46

Et toi alors DarkCowBoy? hos1

Pour ma part Sylvan Elf...
Mais ces questionnaires sont vraiment cons parce que j'adore la nature et je me doutais qu'il y aurait ce genre d'Elfe donc il suffit de répondre aux questions de manière évidente pour être ce que l'on veut...
Cela dit j'ai répondu honnetement...
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Nombre de messages : 19
Localisation : la rochelle
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: et bah moi   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 4 Sep - 22:47

Dark Elf: Probably the only know race of elves known for being born evil. (Or if you're not, you get corrupted pretty quickly). Living underground, to avoid the sun that burns you, you have adapted excellent night vision, smaller bodies, and some very insidious close range weaponry. You are known for your cruelty, malice and love of torture. (And I've killed more of you buggers than I can count :-P)
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Elfe Noir

Nombre de messages : 38
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyDim 17 Sep - 1:51

Wood Elf of Dacia: The less evolved of the two elven races of Dacia. You are taller and larger than most other elves, and you're hairy. Even known to be able to grow sparse beards and other facial hair. Given a few thousand years to evolve, you will most become Sylvan.
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Hors du temps

Nombre de messages : 163
Age : 34
Localisation : Quelque part entre rêve et réalité…
Date d'inscription : 26/08/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyLun 18 Sep - 23:29

High elf: You're what most people think of when they think "elf" but you're just not THAT simple. You're taller than most elves, but not by much, you are thin as a river reed you're known for your light skin, bright eyes, and flooring beauty. You are gifted in music and the arts and have real appreciation for beauty, even in everyday things.
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Nombre de messages : 688
Localisation : Lyon
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2005

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 23 Sep - 18:06

High elf: You're what most people think of when they think "elf" but you're just not THAT simple. You're taller than most elves, but not by much, you are thin as a river reed you're known for your light skin, bright eyes, and flooring beauty. You are gifted in music and the arts and have real appreciation for beauty, even in everyday things.
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Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyJeu 12 Oct - 12:32

Mountain Elf of Terride: Different from the standard Mountain Elves, you are only known to exist on Terride (doesn't mean you're not elsewhere, just the only place I know you are). You are not giants, but more normal in elven size, and your skin is fair, not bronze, but your hair is red and your eyes bright, often hazel. You prefer the wooded mountains to the stony ones. You are also very peaceable and are known for your skill in carving and sculpture.
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Petit Lapin Malin

Nombre de messages : 2018
Localisation : .
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2004

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyJeu 12 Oct - 13:53

¤psychoschyzoide¤ a écrit:
Elf of the White Hills: Other races of elves think you could be related to dark elves, because of your similar coloring (you're skin is much lighter though, with darker hair and eyes); but you live in the white hills, not underground. Your attitude may be frigid, and all logic, but you're not evil. You give yourself to study, the pursuit of knowledge and the safety that comes with the power of information. You tend to be a little too opinionated and may lean towards bigotry.
Moi itou. Ca me convient parfaitement.
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For Eternity...

Nombre de messages : 2842
Age : 43
Localisation : dans l'infini du temps....
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyVen 13 Oct - 11:11

High elf: You're what most people think of when they think "elf" but you're just not THAT simple. You're taller than most elves, but not by much, you are thin as a river reed you're known for your light skin, bright eyes, and flooring beauty. You are gifted in music and the arts and have real appreciation for beauty, even in everyday things.
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Comte de la Rose Noire
Comte Vampire
Comte de la Rose Noire

Nombre de messages : 3099
Age : 34
Localisation : Caen
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyVen 13 Oct - 21:25

Ce test est insultant! C'est un scandale! Comment peut-on s'auto-flageller psychologiquement d'une telle manière! C'est du masochisme! Vous devriez avoir honte!


J'aime pas les elfes.
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Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyVen 13 Oct - 21:30

Arf, c'est tellement bon de se faire du mal !!! mouahah1
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Comtesse Sanglante

Nombre de messages : 1477
Localisation : En vadrouille.
Date d'inscription : 10/05/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 14 Oct - 14:48

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Elfe Noir

Nombre de messages : 39
Age : 41
Localisation : la citée ardente
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 14 Oct - 15:01

Mais heu... Y a pas moyen de le mettre en français... J'trouve pas comment faut faire... (Je suis si nulle sur le net quand c'est des truc comme ça..... pleur105 pleur105 pleur105
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hermione dragona
Carrément hikkimori !
hermione dragona

Nombre de messages : 1419
Age : 32
Localisation : dans vos pires cauchemard.........
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptySam 14 Oct - 20:21

Dark Elf: Probably the only know race of elves known for being born evil. (Or if you're not, you get corrupted pretty quickly). Living underground, to avoid the sun that burns you, you have adapted excellent night vision, smaller bodies, and some very insidious close range weaponry. You are known for your cruelty, malice and love of torture. (And I've killed more of you buggers than I can count :-P)
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Nombre de messages : 90
Age : 37
Localisation : ¤ Je me suis Perdue ¤
Date d'inscription : 24/10/2006

Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? EmptyMer 25 Oct - 0:37

Sea Elf: Unlike the myth, you are not elven mermaids/men. You do have the ability to stay under water for extremely long time periods, but you do not breath the water, nor have gills or fins (just some slight webbing). You always live near water, and often keep safe holds for your goods in hidden underwater caves. Some of your kind actually spend more time in the water than out, and thus how your kind developed the strange marine coloration of blues, greens and yellows.
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Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?   Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ? Empty

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Test a la con : Elfes, lequel ?
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